Who We Are

We value your pet as family!

Our vision is to provide top-quality veterinary care using state-of-the art veterinary equipment. The Limassol Vets team is guided by their passion for Veterinary Medicine, using up-to-date knowledge to promote the welfare and good health of all pets trusted in our care. Our staff is highly skilled with strong academic background and always committed to guide you with honesty, professionalism and integrity.

Dr Kyriaki Neofytou graduated in 2005 from Apostles’ Peter and Paul Lyceum with an Apolyterion score of 20/20. Later that year she ranked first in the University Entrance Examinations in Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where she studied with a full scholarship granted by the Cypriot State Scholarships Institution. In 2011 she graduated Veterinary Medicine with honors. She continued her studies with a Master’s Degree in Animal Biotechnology at the Cyprus University of Technology where she developed a research study on antimicrobial resistance genes. In 2013 she obtained her Master’s Degree with honors, providing valuable scientific knowledge on antimicrobial resistance in the local animal population. In the following years she worked as a small animal Veterinarian, engaging both with first and second opinion cases. In 2013 she became a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK). In 2015 she undertook modules in Advanced Veterinary Practice at the University of Liverpool. Her special fields of interest are small animal Internal Medicine and Diagnostics and she participates in numerous scientific seminars and congresses. In her free time Dr Kyriaki enjoys the company of her two dogs, Mayia and Aiantas, as well as the company of her cat Tiger. She loves traveling and water sports and she is a PADI open water diver.
Dr Christia Michaelidou was born in Cyprus. At a very young age she realized she wanted to become a vet. She graduated from the Heritage Private School and studied Veterinary medicine at Szent Istvan University in Hungary. She had the opportunity to gain work experience as a veterinary student in many small animal clinics, at the University of Thessaloniki Veterinary Faculty and at the State Veterinary Laboratories. She is a registered member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. She has been working as a small animal Veterinarian both in Cyprus and the UK since 2013. Due to her special interest in surgery, she was able to expand her professional development and succeeded in becoming a certified small animal surgeon (UK). She performs routine soft tissue surgeries (such as neutering, C-section, mass removal) as well as more advanced surgical procedures (such as BOAS, Gastric dilation and Volvulus, intestinal anastomosis) Furthermore, she is experienced in orthopaedic operations such as fracture management, patellar luxation, cruciate ligament rupture and hip luxation. She loves her two French bulldogs (Valerie and Cecile) and her African grey parrot (Jasper). Apart from her job, she also enjoys sports such as rollerblading, fencing, water sports, tennis, and shooting